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Been working on a few things…

Cardall Collection wise I’ve finished work on the introductory publication and will be printing and sending them out as soon as poss! I’ve now started research into people of southam; I’ve been particularly looking at Henry Lilley Smith, who seemed to be the most pro-active person! He opened an eye and ear hospital, and dispensery, was an early member of what is now The British Medical Association, founded an allotment for boys aged 8 to 14 and supplied them with reading materials and organised an annual village maypole and fete!

Lombard Method wise I have ordered Prints (the file of which is way too large to upload on this blog!) I have also been working with some neon which I’ve not done before but am quite pleased with! I’ve also been working on a performance for the residency which is going well and I am about to start recruiting actors for this!!! Seems as I’m not posting images of the print I’ll keep everything else as a surprise as well! You can view the work at the open studio event (http://www.facebook.com/events/163475480427879/)

I’ve updated my website www.ryanhughesprojects.net

Been working on A-Board. Sending out loads of proposals.

Also revisited some photos I made with Flowlosopha and have decided on a new way of showing them that creates a multi-dimentional imagined space through altered-perception and techno culture.