There has been lots of activity this week focusing on Ryedale ArtWorks, an artist led community for which I am Chair as well as a member.
Of course, this means that, frustratingly, I have still not managed any working time in the studio but at least things are progressing positively in one area of my artistic life.
On Tuesday we had a meeting of some of the RAW committee, along with Sally Taylor, who is one of our members, and has the studio above me, our brilliant Creative Economies officer from Ryedale District Council, Yvette Turnbull and Councillors Steve Arnold, who is the Chair of the Creative Commissioning Board with his wife Val. Steve and Val were really interested to see Sally’s and my work, and to our studios.
The fact that two artists, in studios, one above the other, in a draughty barn in deepest rural North Yorkshire have both been selected for the prestigious Sketch 2013 was remarked upon!
We talked about the benefits the funding we are about to receive from the council will bring to the group and our plans for the future. I had my leg pulled afterwards for what has been called “Sue’s ‘I have a dream’ speech”, where I talked about our long term ambition to have a building that we can develop as a hub for Ryedale ArtWorks, that will include equipped workshops, artists work spaces and a gallery! Well, other artist led organisations have achieved this, so I don’t see why we shouldn’t eventually. . .
One of the benefits of the funding is that we are going to be able to offer support to members in the form of mentoring. Today has been spent recruiting mentors from amongst our membership who will be trained up and then be available to help all our members – we have some very skilled and experienced people who will be able to provide a wealth of advice and support. I am happy that nearly all of those I approached have accepted with a mixture of humble gratitude for being asked and excitement at being part of this project.
Meanwhile, in between phone calls, emails and rushing to the shops to buy decorating materials, I have painted 3 of the many window and door frames on the exterior of our house that I am frantically trying to complete before the inevitable bad weather sets in at the end of this month.
I find myself hoping it might rain tomorrow, so that I can retreat to the studio!
A direct result of joining the Artists Talking blog community is that I have found other artists with whom I have found an affinity through their work and ideas. I have learned so much already and found information of which I was not previously aware. Jayne Lloyd’s blog Gestures – Drawing and Writing in Chinese and English is one such. Thank you Jayne, for bringing to my attention the writing of Tim Ingold, in particular his book, “Lines”. It is a thoughtful, inspiring book that has me squealing with delight as I discover connections with my work in his thorough research! I am really enjoying engaging with ideas and making work properly again after my enforced hiatus when I moved to Yorkshire eight years ago.