Wow! It seems ages since I wrote anything on here. My life has been very very busy with builders at home, which has prevented me from getting into the studio. I am not fretting too much, rather, I am quietly planning my return for the new year.

Lots has happened with Ryedale ArtWorks (RAW). Our creative commissioning programme has kicked off with a bang when Anamaria Wills of Cidaco came over and delivered training to our member mentors. I was anxious; I arranged the whole day and I knew Anamaria was the right person for the job having been on a course run by her before, but no one else from RAW knew her apart from one other artist who admitted to it afterwards. I cannot tell you how immenseley relieved I was when everyone let me know how inspirational they found the day. All we have to do now is work out which subjects can be delivered as workshops with 3 or more participants and who needs one to one sessions with their chosen mentor.

Meanwhile, we are cracking on with other plans for RAW, we are meeting William Tillyer at Mima in January and he is going to tour us round his retrospective show there. We are planning other exciting meetings and inviting interesting people to deliver these. A small but perfectly formed gallery in York, Priestleys at No. 36, Bootham have invited us to collaborate with them on an exhibition featuring two of our artists for their Christmas exhibition with further bi-monthly shows during 2014. This covers our remit to feature artists from RAW in exhibitions outside our region and we have some other tentative plans in other venues up our sleeves too.

New initiatives are being planned in readiness for our new bid for the Creative Commissioning Process for 2014 that I cannot divulge at the moment. Needless to say, all this is taking up lots of time.

Some members of RAW have huge difficulty with understanding how important and useful social media can be for their practice; I can only say that it is short sighted of them because I have had an opportunity offered me through the Artists Talking community no less, and I have not been blogging here for very long! Thank you to Jayne Lloyd for contacting me recently to invite me to participate in a show in Manchester next year. I had commented on Jayne’s blog after reading it and realising there were some similar threads running through our work. Jayne mentioned a couple of books written by Tim Ingold, Lines, a brief history and Being Alive, essays on movement, knowledge and description. I have almost finished Alive, and during the reading of it have constantly been sqealing out loud with recognition as the ideas Tim Ingold expresses are things I have been contemplating within my work and I had not even known about the book. It has given me a wonderful sense of affirmation, that my ideas belong to a serious train of thought and art practice. I need to find the time over Christmas to finish the book and begin the other one. I also need to do more research, but most of all, I need to get back into the studio! I am thrilled that Jayne wants one of my large canvases for the show.

I have been accepted onto the Art Connections web site and I have decided to enter the North Yorkshire Open Studios for the first time. Both these events are run by Chrysalis Arts. NYOS happens during 2 weekends in June, so it gives me time to develop the prints and artists books I have been planning. I’d like to get the other two large paintings of my seasons quartet made during the first half of next year too. I can’t wait to get back to more drawing.

I attended the Art Party Conference in Scarborough at the weekend; it was a fantastic day and has been written about really well by Jack Hutchinson among others, so I needn’t dwell on it other than to say that we artists need to agitate for arts education and artists; who else will if we don’t?