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Recently I found the set of headphones for my mobile phone and these activate the radio in my phone. This has radically changed the nature of dog walking. Before I would to talk to anyone about anything however mundane and enjoyed the trivialness of it.

Now I walk along listening and keep my head down. Totaly insular and avoid contact at all costs, other people are just a such a drag in my new world.

Listening about the poet laurette Andrew Motion talking about writing poetry to commission as part of his duty as poet laurette. The poems he says are no lesser for being commissioned, he is just as sincere about them and they contain as much of him as his non commissioned poems. The only thing being he would not have chosen to write about these things.

This is me and my public art work, exactly the same, only I rarely produce non commisioned work anymore. Well sometimes when I have time I make things which are kind of hybrid map/diagram things. I dont know what they are? All you artists out there probably feel quite comfortable with producing stuff, and develop things with intelect and it moves along ok.

I have this thing where I cant understand what comes out? It is not going to contribute financialy to bringing home the bacon I understand that.

And painting? This is the greatest thing for exploring ones own inner world, but what can paintings do in todays technodigital inter connected user generated content world of e this and i that. Twittering, Flickering HD blue ray Hooray.