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I am very much focusing for the next part of the project on listening as an active participation within a space.

Taking a few of the exercises I did with the school last year and building on these. Combining them with ‘sounds of the seaside’ a sonic survey I undertook last summer (http://tinyurl.com/4uuhy3r).

I’d investigated how our trips to the seaside are usually described in visual terms, ‘oh what a lovely view’. But it is often our sense of hearing that defines our experience of being beside the sea. From the quiet sounds of the waves lapping on the beach, to the sound of families laughing together, I find the sounds we hear enthralling.

The idea for the school work is to encourage the children to concentrate on the act of listening. Listening to our space, our environment.

I found last year that young people who entered this space led to concentrating more deeply on perception, on their individual perception.

Hopefully this will lead them to a deeper exploration of the senses. We will then use drawing, writing, photography, and of course sound, to record their sense of place.