I’m seeking views on Dartmoor and if you’d classify it as a theme park or as a wilderness?
As you can see with the older posts here, I’ve been working with young people who live on, or near to, Dartmoor & I’ve now asked them “would you classify Dartmoor as a theme park or a wilderness”
They will be undertaking some research into Dartmoor and then together we will visit this place and do some fieldwork, recording the place using sound, drawing, photography and text, before coming up with an answer.
Personally I’m tending to see Dartmoor more as a theme park then just a park, and definitely not a wilderness. As a managed environment – doesn’t that make it a theme park – whose theme is ‘a wild, natural country’?
i’ve thought it is interesting when i’m there that there is this boundary, one min you are in a park, then you aren’t. You cross this invisible line. Also interesting all the planning restrictions because you are in the park – making it seem like a different age.
But what do you think. How would you classify Dartmoor, a theme park, or is it wilderness?
I know things are never just B&W and I don’t really agree with sticking labels on things, but what do you think; can you help with this question?
I’ve made a poll and i’m seeking opinions at http://www.51degreesnorth.net/joe/archives/879