Pure Gold
How do you feel?
With my hands
This response is one of the most beautiful responses.
Investigating Space
New pedestrians
Hassall Street, is a street that has been deserted for one reason or another. The newspapers proclaim that the street was obtained for the new build of council housing, which now won’t be made due to cuts. Looking around where the streets meet I’d say its to prevent a detour against the capital. Hassall Street was conveniently placed at the start of a hill by a medical centre if accessed to the road, the road prevents the need to go up the main roads where shops line the streets from there there is a ring road that circles the town. What do you do in a road that has been abandoned?
Urban Surf
Today was kick started trying to refurbish a bath that I had seen in the ‘waste lands’ I’m not sure about this localised term ‘wasteland’ as it almost seals the fate of the land and the animals that live within it. As if such a land has become ‘natural.’ The bath is for a scene in the the video where a person is seen under the water in a domestic setting but rises from it in the fly-tipped land. Like the dolls blacked out eyes the object will be used as a portal. I tried to rejuvenate the bath a few days ago with a sealant dumped on the site, unused and sealed up. But the weather hasn’t been on my side recently and the haphazard enclosure, made from mental stands and a rug has not been proven good shelter. So we moved it to AirSpace to fix up, in hope it will be fit to be featured in its foreign setting.
I then visited a few abandoned houses.
I spent today mostly doing some background research around Stoke-on-Trent and visited Fenton. I noticed the area became richer in the sense of currency and prestige towards the newly built Wedgwood Museum. The new build was impressive, the interior and curation of the work set the pieces in a contemporary setting, which wasn’t ignorant to the Artistry but highlighted the skilful decorative past works. I walked through the Museum area first and was appreciative of Artworks. Astounded by the sheer craftsmanship.
more to follow..
Today I aim to visit all 6 towns and to travel to different locations in Mike Stone’s Lemon Man. I intend to do all this wearing a head cam underneath a hat.
Video snippets
The head cam ended up being too noticeable , as I just couldn’t hide it under my hat. But this was ok with most people.