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Today was kick started trying to refurbish a bath that I had seen in the ‘waste lands’ I’m not sure about this localised term ‘wasteland’ as it almost seals the fate of the land and the animals that live within it.  As if such a land has become ‘natural.’ The bath is for a scene in the the video where a person is seen under the water in a domestic setting but rises from it in the fly-tipped land. Like the dolls blacked out eyes the object will be used as a portal.  I tried to rejuvenate the bath a few days ago with a sealant dumped on the site, unused and sealed up. But the weather hasn’t been on my side recently and the haphazard enclosure, made from mental stands and a rug has not been proven good shelter. So we moved it to AirSpace to fix up, in hope it will be fit to be featured in its foreign setting.

I then visited a few abandoned houses.