Viewing single post of blog Alex Pearl is not in the Antarctic

I think the meeting went ok although I made the mistake of arriving too early and filling the gap with beer. The appointed location was the Commercial Tavern in Shoreditch. Admittedly I manage to feel out of place in most places but this highly mannered dark rococo hostelry, although very friendly, tested my chameleonic abilities to their limits. I might as well have been wearing a sign sayin "old, ugly, untrendy and awkward." Mark and Lesley arrived before I got too incoherent and we went over the magazine's aims and the stuff I had sent them. I don't think they were too impressed by my writing but they did like the film and my very vague ideas about developing some sort of text based computer game. I shouldn't suggest things when I am drunk, I have no idea how to make a text based computer game.