These are some films, from when I when’t to Disney Land Paris (1991). It is funny to see them, to think that this could of been my last holiday alive…


These are some films, from different Christmas’s. Through all of these films, I wonder if my tumour was growing inside of me…



These are some films, from my Birthday Party’s. Each Birthday, is a year after I battled Cancer, and I won!.

These childhood video’s are relevant to view with my Artwork, especially ‘Alex Magic’, because Magic is a theme in my work.

Before my Stroke, I felt like I was in control: The Magician producing the Artwork. Now, some of the control has been switched: The Audience.

Ref: Loop Recorder



This is a Video, from I was one years of age, with my late Grad-dad, Eric Osborne. I was in Mexico when he past away. I should of been with him. I never felt so sad when I saw him in the morgue. I never cried so much. He always believed  in me…

A day later, I had my Stroke. I wrote this the day before, for his funeral. I wish I was there to read it…

The length of time in which I stayed with you,
Nothing to say who you were,
Nothing to say who you are now.
At that,
We must part,
Yet not forgotten,
Forever in my soul and heart.

That this is something death and passing could be,
No chorus,
No reunion of voices,
But simply,
Through the act of dissolution,
Becoming something,
The sacred breath,
In which is now lifted.

Me becoming an artist, is a reminder of him being set to rest. I will do this him. I will do the very best that I can do.