I have taken inspiration from Katarzyna Konieczka…


Easter Bunny!
Costume design Katarzyna Konieczka
Photo by marcintwardowski.com — with Edwige Galli.



I was thinking of having a sculpture, or installation piece made up of a Hospital bed, a chair, table and a side cabinet from Ipswich Hospital. I would put all the cards I revived, and make it look homely.

I would call ‘Home from Home’, because all I ever do is find something else thats ‘wrong’ with me. From Leukemia when I was two years of age, growth hormone defect (due to the Radiotherapy I had, knock out the male growth hormone), Jaw Repositioning Surgery, my Stroke and my Stomach Removal.

Taken on the 12th of March, 2015

Taken on the 13th of March, 2015

Taken on the 23rd of December, 2013

Referring Tracey Emin, I do not know if to have the bed messed up (like hers), or more neat and tidy…

My Bed, 1998
Mattress, linens, pillows, objects
79 x 211 x 234 cm


Everyday the nurses would have to get me out of bed, either hoist me using a body lift system (because the first couple of weeks I could not walk at all, let alone speak) , or, the Physiotherapy team would have to get me onto the side of the bed, position me so I could get strait onto the chair, beside my bed. That chair I could not sit in, for more than a couple of hours, it was so uncomfortable!!!

Whiles’t I was in Hospital, I couldn’t even touch myself, and for two months, I held off. I was thinking of a bondage cage, in the style of Katarzyna, using Fixing Band. I want to have the cage, lying down on the bed.



I used Fixing Bands (referring to Katarzyna Konieczka), on my Stroke Sculpture…

“Beaty and the Modifications”
Costume design and style Katarzyna Konieczka
Photography bruklin’s.com
Model Karolina / SUBMARINE Model Management


I wish to use the ‘old-style’ beds, like when I was in Hospital battling Cancer…


All these photographs where taken when my Mum was thinking that I was not going to be alive. Luckily, I survived!!! Now I have ‘My Special Book’, which is a reminder of the 100 weeks of treatment, that I when’t though.




I have said how the ‘Voodoo’ Dolls, have come to realisation…

This is how…

* The right arm of the Doll, is wrapped in wire.

* The right Side of the Stroke Sculpture is wrapped in wire, representing the struggle I have to live with. Also, to represent the fatigue and stress I have to endure, everyday.

* The Dolls has its right side of her face is disfigured.

* The whole of the right side is painted in white emulsion, to simulate how my right side is much colder than my left, due to my Stroke.

Spell Check: Lop-Sided* (I wrote this, two months after my Stroke)

I have been a fan of Batman since the early eire, of the 1989 films, and have been fanatical about Two-Face, ever since the 1995 film ‘Batman Forever’. One case that Two-Face (AKA Harvey Dent), Suffers from, is a multiple personality disorder, where he changes from one person to the next.        Two-Face, on the other side of things (excuse the pun), uses a coin to decided the fate of what ever, or, whom ever…


In my Hospital bed (13th of March 2015), I realised some of the shapes of the scrabbled up sheets, looked like a women’s intimate area. Referencing Georgia O’Keefe…

