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I wanted to make something to do with how it felt to be that drunk. I stumbled across the tin cans  in a salvage yard in 2012, and wanted to do something with them. It is now 2015, and I now have the purpose.

All these tin cans could have been the cause of me having my stomach removed. The alcohol, coke and energy drinks etc., may have fueled the tumour’s growth. The tin cans have been crushed, and that is to do with when I was younger. When I drank as a younger person I hid my empty cans away, mainly so my parents did not know how much I was drinking. I now drink not tin cans, but glass bottles, like in Aurora – A New Dawn.

Once I’ve had three bottles of Henry Weston’s or Aspall’s (8.2% which is quite strong, I think!), and that is enough! But when I was drunk that night, I fell into my cabinet and cut myself on the fallen bottles that fell from the top. I knew that I had been silly, so I filmed it whilst it was happening. The completed sculpture represents that night, and it has been confined to those four blocks of tin cans, because it remains a memory as does everything else.