All my steam has been channelled into getting a storyboard drafted out for the film I have decided to make. With production costs (not covered for this by the Arts Council funding) I set myself a deadline to get it sketched out clearly and ‘sold’ to the Engineerium to coincide with a grant deadline. All that done and tensions rising as some of this pent up steam escapes as joy, some as confusion. The building and plans still in flux.

It is been an absorbing time. I have nosedived into it most days, – coming out dazed at school pick up time hypnotised with that plinky music and dancing images.

The way I work is adapting more readily now to suit. Always an advocate of cut and paste I do revert to collage wherever I can as a thinking process. In fact, in cataloguing my entire life. This storyboard was costing half my funding in glue sticks as I shuffled and pasted photos and drawings, and wasn’t allowing me to think quickly enough. So I’ve opted for the path of a moving storyboard. Paste, playback and delete with ease- on screen. Rough and ready but finding the right mood.

Collage is a word though that echoes through my entire practise, and beyond. A simple realisation. This time I am pasting images together in a linear way as opposed to overlaying them.

Perhaps a good route into the talk I am about to give as part of Brighton Festival’s ‘HOUSE’ studio tours. After Easter disruptions and time with technology studio time has been left out of routine for too long. Be good to reacquaint myself with its four walls and reception of FIP that I can’t get at home.