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‘A Kids guide to Managing Time’

What did I spend the most time doing?

What did I spend the least time doing?

Is there something I would have liked to have spent more time doing?

Is there something I would have liked to have spent less time doing?

Is there something I would have liked to have done but didn’t do?

Did I have enough free time when I could do what I wanted to do?

Did I spend enough time doing things I decided to do?

Do I feel good about the way I spent my time?

It appears that I have spent most of my time thinking and printing.

Four meetings in the last week have addressed different aspects of this ‘Mighty Heart’. One: with my funding ‘expert’; one was an APD 1-2-1 session about the ambitions for the work, the third with the project manager thinking about timescale and budgets and the final one with a colleague looking at the practical problems of projecting and sound in the space. Then more thinking!

I have spent little time making, apart from lists of things to try out in the new year.

More time looking at a book on Railways, Identity and Culture (inspiration comes in unlikely places) would have been good, and for finisihing the list of words that describe the emotional journey I want people to take through the work. Really pinpoint how I want them to feel?

Back at the Engineerium I handed back a technical drawing we uncovered (from 1917) of the grounds this week.

Needed to confirm the depths of some pipe work, as the building work progresses, it reminds us of the importance of archiving all these papers for the computerised era.