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A respected on line source of music provided an ideal, and easy, option for the sound .

Luckily, after deciding to switch off last week- with some easy viewing telly, I realised how popular! A BBC tour of rural Spain. A Channel 4 house search in France, in one week! Firstly I didn’t think my choice of music was so ‘travel’ orientated( although I had decided it was more jaunty than I was looking for! Secondly, The work needs to be unique – Plan B is confirmed. I have two professional contacts (cost an issue but funding application pending) and two colleagues that could be open to negotiation! So making a list of genre, tempo, mood and words to describe what I want to achieve with the sound. Not the mood of a European ‘sejour’ thats for sure.

My excitement about the work is building up like the pressure of steam waiting to be released.