HOUSE tour weekend!- and until half an hour before the talk I felt fine. My thoughts in order, studio tidied and all those little tasks cleared up -and then my nerves kicked in. Ladies and Gentlemen…this was the first public airing of the film so far. I felt exposed. For a moment I wished I’d opted to discuss the series of stills instead. That would have been so wrong. My vision for the project is there and strong and I was glad to hear in the feedback that it came across that clearly! From both our talks important issues were raised around artist’s practice and in various ways validated all our different backgrounds and ways of working. Phoenix Brighton and HOUSE provide a chance to visit an artist’s studio and immerse yourself in an artist’s methods in a way that a simple Open studio doesn’t. A welcome and valid experience for artist and audience.
Making a decision this week about which software to use for the film (much deliberation, googling and phone calls)- and getting the definitive quote for print costs has set straight my budget. I managed to borrow equipment from a local community centre last week. No deposit, no charge, no fuss, no questions, just a trusting friendly face offering a community service. A reminder to broaden where I look for support! Organising the materials for the publication has been prompted this week after confirming the contributing writers and finding a glimmer of hope for additional funding.
Next? Camping, then counting down days to a mid June Symposium where I get to meet lots of eager cog enthusiasts.