Well what can I say, I did not get it right, there I admitted it and the reason being I had not done my home work before jumping in. I had produced a page correctly from my family facebook page, then deleted it as I thought I had done it wrong. However there was another reason and that was I was afraid that my family could be exposed because of the link to the page. This was another element that I found out, ‘Pages’ are open to the public and that is why it can be used as a business page and to do that you have to create a page.

I have now got my business Facebook page for viewing, Visit www.facebook.com/pages/Gilly-Vincent-Design/280326… and view my corrected page and before you ask yes you do have to type the all the numbers out, not really a user friendly side of it !-(

I have to leave it here for now as my Husband needs my computer and I need to get back upstairs to my new water project where I am using Silver acrylic for the first time. I will place a pic shortly of the progress to the painting and you guys can let me know your thoughts, cheers for now !-)



It is the start of 2013, and I am busy learning about twitter and facebook plus this side of things bloging!! How does it all work and how does it help get you visitors to your website??? I can say that I have been on twitter.com/gillyvincent, for just over a month and have been on facebook.com/GillyVincent, (like to keep things simple) for a while, however, have only just put myself as a business for just a few days so that my family life can stay seperate. Even though it has only been a short while I have had visitors from both places so its a start !-) Now is the difficult part, how to get people interested in me as an artist and be social???!! It is the big question that all of us ask ourselves, well reading is the place that I am starting with, understanding what to do in the Social Media World. For a start, we can start here as they have videos on both, I have also downloaded a free ebook from [email protected] titled”How to attract customers with twitter.” There is also another free ebook going somewhere I have seen within all my emails websearching that is about Facebook, which I will let you know next time I blog. I am going to leave you here as I need to go away and look at the said items above. I will let you know how I get on in the next day or two. Take care for now.

Gilly !-)