So here is an interesting thing then;

Have you ever had a client allude that they are slightly disapointed, or feel that you are not quite doing your best work?

I have, this is the second time its happened. I am not surprised, I am spreding myself too thin. She was very subtle about it. She knows me very well, I have worked on a couple of commissions with this same organisation.

So the colours are not as bright in the mosaic as they are in the design. True, spot on. But mosaic is not painting and you can not mix the colour you want! Your stuck with what you get!

But if I'm suposed to be good at this then surely I can raise the quality some what. And she is right, as was the bloke in scotland about 6 years ago.

So I've tried a slightly different technique. And you know what? There are no short cuts, no toshing out, no coasting, no path of least resistance and no 'oh that will do'. This medium is a major fecker, but thats my problem not the commissioners. On both these occasions, I have raised my game, as they were right and I am glad they did, as the final work would have been below par.

Thank god for email attachments as I would have been embaressed, dissapointed……well, gutted actually… at a luke warm ribbon cutting ceramony.