This is Laura’s Blog and inside are all my feelings and ideas about my work leading up to the Degree Show next year.
Last year I started moving my drawings in to the field of animation. So started making my flat drawings in to a short film.
For my final piece I produced a short animated film from taking photographs of my drawings one frame at a time. Then put them together in I Movie to produce the finished piece.
The story is a love story about two people who are alone, and by chance meet and fall in love. The film shows them spending the day together, with my pencil drawings as the medium. They have a panic together and goon a long walk to a lovely garden and spend the rest of the day there.
I am interested in the themes which often appear in children’s stories and folk tales. Themes which I included in the film were love and passion, rich and power, despair and being alone.
The story is a love story about two people who are alone, and by chance meet and fall in love. The film shows them spending the day together,with my pencil drawings. They have a panic together and go on a long walk to a lovely garden and spend the rest of the day there.
I have been looking at Grayson Perry’s work as my buildings in the Magic is Coming have a cartoon look, as if they are not from reality. As they are very childlike in the way I have designed the shop names for example.
Moore reports that “we were concerned that it was’nt pure fairytale,” (2015, p.1) Grayson Perry designed the house for his show the “House of Essex” It has a fastory look to it the house, which fits in to my own work. Perry wanted it to be more than fastory, he wanted it to be like a folk tale.
After looking at my short film Love and Teacups again I felt that my own work has improved a great deal. The main reason for this is that my own drawing practice has developed much more, as I have spend time focusing my style. I have done this my reading more on the subject. Also while I am drawing I think were for example the shoulders would be, and now they would connect to the body. Then apply this to the drawing.
Reflection on the drawings which I am now producing for my story. I can clearly see how much my drawings have become artworks in their own right. Using charcoal has helped me develop my work so it becomes more interesting and more I have become more free with the mudium. Kentridge reports that “charcoal is very fortuitous.” (2016) Kentridge found this when working on the Soho/Felix Series, as charcoal allowed him to explore the medium and add mood to each scene that he created. I have learnt a lot in the last year, about how to tell a narrative without using words. As my story only uses images to convey what is being depicted on screen.