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The grand opening has happened. No time to update this blog before hand as too busy making cakes & seed packets. It was great to welcome 50 or more people. We can’t be sure of the exact numbers because we had forgotten to bring a number clicker & at some point fairly early on I lost the pen & list I started & gave up.

In order to have cake everyone had to first make a collage. We handed everyone a seed packet – an envelope full of random collage scraps – for the task. We didn’t make it compulsory but even so, half way through we needed to put out more tables. Many people made one or more collage postcards and some took extra packets home.

Gradually as the cakes disappeared, the notice board was filled with small pieces of Allotment Art. The results ranged from exuberant to restrained, witty, abstract, figurative and even a 3D thank-you collage bouquet.

The feed back has been so positive. Everyone found the gallery despite some of the posters/directions going astray. The whole event felt relaxed and everyone said it was fun. As fun was one of the aims from the very beginning we now both feel exhilarated & inspired. Several visitors want to join the project & so it will now move into the next phase but first we have a family workshop to run next week. ‘Art Window Boxes’.