Yesterday I sorted the collaged collographs; today I have uploaded some drawings from the exhibition by Angela as they have been important in underpinning the project from the start.
Now the focus is on the new work. Art Allotments has developed so that there are more people taking part. I just have a few more photos to take as the last pieces of work arrive through the post and the results can be displayed.
This time there are nine of us (one dropped out as too busy). Everyone received from me an identical envelope of bits at the beginning of April. Each package included a figure from a ghost collagraph print & a failed print from saline sulphate etched plate. It was an early attempt when I pressed snowdrops into a soft ground but messed up the timings. Angela put in drawings – sketches that never made it to the final art work stage. Added to this were some pages from an altered book that was begun & abandoned, some pages from a fallen apart music manuscript, some text, assorted paper, hay & other bits. – See photo!