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It is amazing how scary computers are to the older generation; Ipads are not so scary, why? Well I don’t have an ipad so we will just have to work on my trusty ancient Mac book.

This week I was working 1 to 1 with the artists on designing our poster to advertise the exhibition. We looked at promo posters on the Internet and made a list of what was important about a poster. “Eye catching, Simple and have all the relevant information on it”. “Date, Times, Venue, Title, Logos and art group information”

After an initial discussion and expression of worries we got started by picking out posters we liked and I used various bits from our choices to create a simple mock up in Photoshop. We discussed corporate identity as the café where our sessions are based (run by Didsbury Good Neighbors) already has a style of its own.

One of the artists created a beautiful image of bright colours a lovely simple design (see picture on this blog) the artists did get into the swing of it and really had some interesting ideas with me doing the computing work it made them free to just make the design choices, We decided it would be good to incorporate some of the Didsbury Good Neighbors design into our own poster. We decided to keep the 2 predominant colours. Regal blue and orange. We chose an abstract image for the background so it would be purely decorative rather than send a confusing message of what the exhibition is about.

In the afternoon session we discussed hanging the exhibition we were trying to think of ways of putting work in the window someone came up with a brilliant idea of using suction handles that you can buy to help you get in and out of the shower or bath. I looked at these and they were a bit big and quite ugly. I did find some screw suckers that you can hang shower and bathroom shelves off. I experimented at home and they worked fine with a panting hanging off. I took one to the café art space to hang over the weekend to see if it works, the windows in the café get very hot as the sunshine’s on them so I will see on Wednesday if it has done the job. Fingers crossed.

Next week more computer design.