Done and Dusted….
Monday 13th March we launched our BA2 Fine Art and Sculpture ‘Artifact’ Exhibition. With an enormous turn out at the P.V that evening including a Top Class speech by Dan. Weeks of venue finding ,planning, decision making, list making, meetings, fundraising, encouraging, approaching potential sponsors, tutor minimal input and minor scraps between some students (we are sensitive artists don’t forget…) So they were a given yeh ? all in the name of Year 2 Artists Change makers Professional Practice Module.
Take down happened in the speed of light, exhibits taken home or larger pieces squirrelled away in a big enough back room store cupboard for later collection. Thanks to the Guildhall in Cardigan and ALL our supporters and visitors to the Exhibition. Pat on the back to all 13 of us and our tutors.
Did it even happen …
Moving swiftly on to next task – 10 Minute presentation for specialist project.
Have a great weekend
Julie Art Cake.