Thursday 23 February. Another super sunny day quite like a Summer day in the UK. Halfway through concreting the studio floor but still a lot of work to do before completion. Working outside creating a wild garden is therapeutic I love being here, it is good for my health and well-being although watching the documentary on Lucian Freud was both exhilarating and depressing as it reminded me of how little work as an artists I am doing for the moment. In fact the picture with this post is my latest drawing and it was done on the 17 December 2011! It will be such a joy to have my studio finished.


As promised, a view of the mountains taken today 21 Feb 2012. Not a great picture, just a quick snap.


Monday 20 February. Glorious sunshine. The mountains are back again looking majestic like a bride in white. The mountains are like the changing seas, are always different. Sometimes they even go on holiday and are not seen for days then return renewing ones awe and appreciation all over again. I bought the materials to lay in the floor of the studio, work starts tomorrow. The restorative power of manual labour is wonderful for clearing the mind and resetting it.

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Sunday 19 February. A day of doubt but only a mild ?Black Dog? of a day. One of the worst feelings for an artists is doubting your own work, doubting its quality and fearing ones entire creative life if pointless, ones work is valueless and in turn ones life is valueless. The feeling of giving up is quite crushing but of course one is not going to give up a creative passion is too strong.