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Following from my last post, in which I talked about turning a 2D drawing into a 3D model, and back into a 2 plan for the laser cutter to work on, the next step is assembling the models. After a series of experimentation, I ended up with four different models created from tracing the movement of different everyday actions such as making porridge, talking on the phone, school run, and tracing where my healthcare data travels within the UK. All of the sculptures consist of two planes (y and z) which fit into one another forming a spatial shape. Since I wanted the sculptures to be a part of the workshop I was hosting at the FabFest 2018  at Ambika 3 gallery on the 7th July 2018, it became important to try out assembly methods that the kids were able to do.

My mate Erica turned out to be excellent in coming up with tactile assembly methodologies that were easier than the more abstract method of pairing up x and y numbers to assemble the sculptures. The kids really enjoyed this. Check out how Erica is assembling the ‘phone call’ here:

Testing out some different approaches with the kids at home, they quickly developed favourite sculptures and became experts in assembling them.