I can’t quite believe that its only a month until the Open Day.

Sunday 8th MAY

So much to do yet, panic is starting to set in. The Caravan Visitor Centre actually has no floor at the moment as it was so rotten it fell through but I have every faith in my amazing husband/technician who is the worker of miracles.

The Butterfly Park has a work day tommorrow with 20+ volunteer workers coming from UniLever to help out, this is great and means that I can get some help with some of the projects. I have a whole day workshop making butterflies with schoolchildren Friday so can’t be there but my husband has taken the day off work and is going to supervise 2 volunteers to fix and fill the twigwam as it has some storm damage and 2 other volunteers will help him finish off the partition in the mobile allotment and make a roof cover so that I will actually be able to transport the trailer without the plants blowing away. I’ll be poppong to the park in the school lunch break just to make sure it’s all going well.

The only downside of Friday’s activities is that I’m missing the Opening of the Jaume Plensa exhibit at Yorkshire Sculpture Park AND the opening of Rebecca Chesney’s work there too, I was really looking forward to both, gutted that the date clashes.

I will be going up next week but would have loved to attend the open day, have my ticket ans everything :(

On another note, I really need a lesson in how to reverse with a trailer on the back of the car too, I’m all over the show at the moment.