Been quite busy reading and writing for my final Contextual Report and drawing too, I find I write too much so have been advised that the old adage ‘a drawing speaks a thousand words’ is one that will work well in this instance.

I’ve been spending some quality time in the butterfly park too but am slightly disappointed that there is some slight vandelism to my caravan.

Probably teenagers, how do I know, because the writing was a bit childlike and they can’t spell. Txt talk graffiti on the walls – what’s that all about?? and in Sharpie pen – permanent markers that they then stole!!

They’ve also torn one of my little artist books, just pulled out all the cutwork and ripped all the little gas lamp up, I loved that lamp :(

I can make another book and paint over the walls but I’m not sure the lamp can be fixed unfortunately.

Bit disheartening.

Wonder if I can claim on my AIR insurance, I took out the extra cover after all.

On the Plus side, we won our court case, FINALLY. It’s still a bit up in the air but basically we now have the green light to press forward with the Council for a compulsory purchase order so that the Butterfly Park can continue as a nature reserve. It’s a huge relief for all concerned.


As one of our Facebook followers said to the news “When the might of business comes up against the fragile beauty of a butterfly, and those souls faithfully devoted to protecting it… the butterfly will win”

I love that people are so passionate about the place, me included.

Also this week I’ve organised 3 school workshops up at the park and 2 workshops for adults.

One drawing and one photography, I’m really looking forward to seeing how these go actually. I’m not having a taught session at all, more a group of like minded people meeting up to do what they love most and then sitting over tea + cake to discuss the outcomes. You’re all more than welcome to join in, and they’re free too :)
