Good to see the image I used in my last blog on the front page of Blog Topics, it doesn’t say it’s from my blog and it’s not my image but is beautiful non the less and is a lovely example of archiving.

The plans are coming along nicely now. I been making some collage work to get me back making art with the butterfly park in mind rather than just making plans, have also drawn up plans for the caravan visitor centre and started to make a maquette.

Need to speak to my friend about if/when I can still have her caravan to start the revamp.

I’ve posted a call for submission on the Art in Liverpool website and on the facebook page for the butterfly park to start the ball rolling with this years art trail.


I’ve arranged a meeting with the head of Entomology at Liverpool World Museum to show him the plans for the visitor centre and to ask for his input with all his knowledge and expertise also. Quiet excited about that.

I’ve emailed the local schools with propositions for workshops to make butterflies for the Lepodoptera specimen drawers. Also have to try and buy/make some kind of drawer unit.

Tis all go in Butterfly Land.