Although I’ve got other blogs going, I’m going to start a new one for this residency. I have so many projects running at the moment, it would makes things easier just to separate things.

I’ve also set up a twitter account, though I’m not really sure what I’m doing. I’m amazed that I had three people following me before I’d even uttered the first ( and only ) tweet. I am grateful to them for their patience.

This is me : @wendy8williams

Sooo…. I’m about to start a residency next week. How it came about was partly fluke and mostly luck …but also heavily linked to a visit I made to Norway ( thank you NAN bursary!)

Linking the visit to Norway with the area of the residency – Leasowe on the Wirral, I found a common link between the two places – Vikings.

My residency will be a studio in the Millennium Centre at Leasowe Development trust and I will be working with members of the public…… finding their inner viking.