The Colour of Music, Rebecca Price

Rebecca’s studio at St George’s Arts, showing her work in progress, will be open each Friday 9.30am – 3pm during her residency. On the dates and times below visitors can come and listen to the instrumentalists practising, and watch Rebecca working.

Fri 6 May: open studio 9.30am – 3pm

Fri 13 May: 11.00 am – 1.pm; John and Paddy Ford; Clarinet practice session

Fri 20 May: 10am – 12 noon; John Asher; violin

Fri 27 May: 10.30 – 11.30am; Richard Manning; cello and Linda Marley; piano

Fri 3 June: 10.15am; Cello duet; Rosemary Healing and Gillian Lawrence

Thurs 9 June: 9pm – 11pm; The Delius Quartet; (Janet Smith, George Mitchell, Liz Hart, Julian Ogilvie)

Fri 10 June: Violin practice session

Fri 17 June: 10.30 – 12 noon; violin practice etc
Sun 19 June: (TCCT Tea party): 2.30 – 3.00pm; Rupert Bawden; violin and Norman Starritt; cello

Wed 22 June: 8pm; Alice Coulson; oboe

Fri 24 June: Morning; Local quartet: (Lin Watchorn, Judy Paxton, Jill Palmer, Jillian Coton)

Fri 1 July: 9.30am – 3pm; open singing lesson

Thurs 7 July: 10.15 – 12.00 noon; The Oxted Quartet; (Claire Dillon, Anne Warren, Jane Swanson, Cara Warren)

Fri 8 July: open studio 9.30am – 3pm


The Colour of Music, Rebecca Price

I am now nearly a week into my residency here at St George’s Arts. The launch went well with a nice mixture of people, and on Friday I had my first open studio day.

All the other Fridays I have managed to book musicians to come in and play for a couple of hours, so that I can draw them. It’s been amazing how many people have offered to take part; they are mainly local amateurs but also a couple of professionals. But this first day was more for getting the feel of the place on my own.

It was lovely having a whole day working away from home. I hadn’t realised quite how bogged down I’ve become by the computer; sometimes spending half the morning fiddling around with emails, so it was very liberating to be somewhere where I had no choice but to concentrate on my work for several hours…..


Artist Rebecca Price has been working with musicians in preparation for her project at St George’s. She begins her residency blog:

The Colour of Music, Rebecca Price

The launch of ‘The Colour of Music’ is now less than a week away, but happily I now feel more on top of things. The combination of the Easter holidays and all those extra bank holidays hasn’t been brilliant for getting organised. Much as I love spending time with my family, I’m unfortunately not one of those relaxed people who can get on with their work while the hubbub of family life goes on around them; I really need the house entirely to myself, in order to get anything useful done.

After an epic journey to Scotland (Sutherland; the part that people down here don’t seem to realise exists, north of Inverness) we came back spiritually refreshed, but each suffering from different stages of a bad cold. The next hurdle was a rather time-consuming birthday party for my daughter, involving running a puppet workshop. Although these eleven-year olds mostly made a reasonable job of sewing up their puppets, none of them was to be able to thread a needle, so I spent a wall-to-wall morning squinting at needle eyes. I must get some glasses sorted out.

I was beginning to wonder how on earth I was going to get everything finished for my show in time, when some well-placed school days came to the rescue, and I now feel back on track. I think I have more or less finished some paintings that I rather ill-advisedly began before Easter. I always have a bit of a panic before an exhibition, and think I don’t have enough work. But the resulting last-minute paintings usually turn out to be real turkeys and don’t get included in the show anyway. For some reason, at this late stage, it always seems to be a great idea to begin a painting combining dark pinks and orange. True to tradition, I’ve done that again this time.

I decided that watching the Royal wedding this morning might combine quite well with getting my mirror plates done. In the past I have always avoided any national events like this which involve massed outpourings of emotion, but then it occurred to me the other day that maybe it’s a little odd to have absolutely no recollection of TV coverage of any iconic events, so I dutifully sat down to absorb some historic significance. It all seemed very pleasant, though I could have done without the ladies on ITV gushing on about nipped-in waists. I do wonder sometimes how women can expect themselves to be taken seriously while squealing with excitement at what are, essentially, just clothes. Anyway, the mirror plates are all sorted out now, though apparently I interrupted a crucial bit of the vows by asking my husband if he knew where the centimetre-long screws might be.

Last night I was out till quite late, drawing another quartet. I have been practising on some quartets that I know, in their own houses, before my project at St George’s begins. There seem to be two completely different approaches I could take; a) doing studies of the instrumentalists in action, and b) painting my responses to the actual music they are playing. At present the results are so completely different I’m wondering if it makes any sense at all to do them both, but I think I’ll leave an open mind about it to start with, and just see if anything comes of either of them.

I have now managed to book most of my Open Studio Fridays with kind volunteers, willing to come and practise or rehearse in the church while I do studies of them. The project is quite exciting, in that I really have no idea where the work might go; also rather alarming in that I need to produce something

coherent for the closing event in ten weeks time……


May is a busy month here at St George’s Arts. Artist Rebecca Price begins her three month project ‘The Colour of Music’with an exhibition and launch event opening on Thursday 5 May at 7.00 pm. If you are in the area do join us. Rebecca will be talking about about her exciting project linking music and painting.

During her residency Rebecca will be running a series of painting workshops for adults interested in learning about colour, line and expression in relation to music. There are also opportunities for local musical ensembles to join in with the project. For more info about events and workshops please visit our website or drop in on one of the Open Studio days (most Fridays in May, June and July 9.30 am – 3.30 pm).

May also brings artist Roz Cran, who will be running an evening event, ‘Time to Listen’ on Wednesday 11 May 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm, in which she will read from a range of authors on silence, solitude and creativity. On Wednesday she will be running ‘Time to Be’ 11.00 am – 3.30 pm, a day for artists and creative people who wish to focus and reflect on the place of calmness in their work.


The opening of ‘Damascus Road’ was wonderful. The sound-piece made up of stories contributed to Mary for the project was so moving. And it was also moving to see people attending to what was being said and investing time in taking in the installation. People spent hours moving around the spaces following the stories. From the point of view of St George’s Arts it fulfilled so many of our overall aims in that not only was interesting contemporary art brought to a local audience but also the building itself was brought to people’s attention as they moved through different spaces listening to personal accounts.

I’ll post up some more photos in the next few days but would urge anyone who can to visit the installation in person.