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The penultimate day we installed the vinyl leaving just labels for the day of the opening though things ran close to the wire. One of the more unusual aspects of the install was having students playing the grand piano in the ante room of the exhibition hall – check out the home-made video with this post.

The events were popular. We had a steady stream of visitors during the day prior to opening, people who wanted to view the work but wouldn’t be able to make the official opening including artist Elene Rakviashvili and curator Wato Tsereteli who has built a fantastic contemporary art centre in Tbilisi from a standing start with no resources. He suggested a change to the layout of gimme shelter to improve the way it occupied the space which we took up and implemented.

We had the early evening slot for our opening and about 200 people made it with Georgian TV, radio and press coverage. The Academy Rector Gia Bugadze, British Council Director Zaza Purtseladze and our own Martin Barlow made the speeches.

iPhone video of One Room Living, Antonia Dewhurst and Lois Williams.