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Spent most of yesterday morning taking down my photos and removing the vinyl lettering from the windows of a space we have been able to use for showing work here in Dover to make way for work by Rosie James. It was so hot and I was boiling and we were all hungry by the time we finished and too late for the local pizza place opposite and for the Chinese take away. Ended up with a baked potato.

Rosie James’ stitched crowds will be in the space until mid October or so. Rosie is leading on 2 stitching workshops as part of The Voyagers project. The dates are fast approaching so I am on a drive to recruit participants – I’ll be lurking at a local quilting fair this Sunday and have been round to a couple of local knit and natter groups! Also dropped into the Age Concern centre this morning and think some of the members may be interested in the paper boats. A class of primary school children are also pencilled in. Fingers crossed it will go well and hopefully I will get a few participants at the Whitstable Satellite on 16th too.