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Went to the AIR event in Whitstable yesterday and met lots of new people, something I enjoy doing.

Am hatching a project around the idea of studio/creative space in Dover …. more on this later if it goes any further.

Looking forward to getting well and truly started on The Voyagers project, even as I am already working out how to install the as yet unmade work. Exhibition info here http://www.studio308ltd.co.uk/News/Entries/2012/9/… and also on interface. I’ll be in the Age Concern centre tomorrow and in the Cultural Baton in Whitstable on Sunday making boats and in between will make a start on the textile piece with Rosie James on Saturday. The installation of Philippe Bazin’s video is proving tricky and I am having to negotiate firmly with the museum curator to get it set up how I want. Still in the middle of negotiations.