So today I am stuck indoors thanks to a particularly severe flare-up of my RA which means I can’t walk and can only just cope even with loads of the ususal meds. It has been going on for nearly a month and as I was feeling better yesterday, I decided to do a load of walking for which I am now paying! Actually, I went to meet fellow blogger Jane Ponsford at the station and we went on up to Joanna’s for a meeting to see how she might incorporate a visit to Dover in her forthcoming research project. It was a great meeting and I’m looking forward to seeing the project get off the ground.
I finally got round to reading some grant information for capital spending, hoping that there might be an opportunity to purchase premises and put the studio on a more secure footing. Had a meeting with fellow studio holder and musician who is also interested in pursuing a capital project at some point but we decided that the terms of the grant were just not conducive to what we actually want to do. It’s all about providing business support, delivering growth and getting bigger, employing more people and moving to bigger premises. None of that appeals and I’m sure there are lots of other small, micro even, creative businesses (i.e. one or two-person companies/operations) who want to stay that way and who having found wonderful premises in which to work would not want to grow and move out just because that is conventionally seen as an intrinsically good thing for a business to do. There are ways of expanding activity through cooperation and join working, surely, that do not involve growing the company in the conventional way.
Rant over. Actually in some ways I am quite relieved as the thought of running premises is quite daunting.
I thought I’d just post this image of the trees in the local park – if I can’t get out physically, at least I can in my head.