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I am feeling very chuffed – my installation piece, Inherited, is sold. It will be reconfigured slightly to live happily in a frame and in a new home. So now I have to think of a new piece of work as I was about to submit it for an open call! Funnily enough the sale came through one of the organisers of the Art Market I took part  in in Folkestone last year. Immediately after the market I was pleased to have sold a small print and when weighing up the cost/benefit ratio, thought it probably hadn’t been worth it. Just shows really how every opportunity is important and can bring results over time. The piece I’ve sold wasn’t even made at the time of the market.

I’ve been carrying on with the mono prints, working withsome  of the forms used in that piece, but breaking them up and turning them round, so that they are more fragmented.

The marks are becoming more expressive too.