TV studios this afternoon and this evening. Some teams are stronger than others, for sure, and I think the key to that has been to be really clear about how they have decided to work together – either by doing their own thing and bringing it together, or by concentrating on building their team.
The point is, always, to be clear about your team goals. Sounds like management-speak but it makes complete sense.
A bunch of us went to see off the winners on their balloon trip yesterday evening, only to find that two of them were still working and had handed their flights over to others. One of the others had work to do too, so I jumped at the chance to hitch a ride.
Never taken a balloon ride before and it was GLORIOUS.We landed in a field by a small family’s homestead – and the look of wonder on the seven year old daughter’s face was a joy. She was very shy, so I didn’t catch it in a picture.