So I’m mulling things over. At this point in the global pandemic almost everything looks different, and I’m really beginning to sense that the Arts are opening up to neurodivergent creatives in ways that were previously unimaginable.

For the first time, I’m actually seeing a systematic pattern of my neurodivergent friends and colleagues consistently gaining opportunity! The ground has definitely shifted via Covid-19 in unexpected ways. Sometimes I have to remind myself what a lone voice I was when I began advocating only 5 or so years ago. Okay, a handful of us were making noise, but now we’re literally EVERYWHERE!

I’m endlessly heartened by all the projects and initiatives I encounter, and when organisations demonstrate that they are truly listening!  Amen, to that.

This is not to say that our work is done, it’s actually just beginning. So while I don’t have much time for blogging I’m quietly taking stock. I feel utterly blessed in my own work, and in having the opportunity to continue researching what it means to be an artist like me in a ‘neurotypical’ art world. This is also a work in progress but there is one thing I know, it’s important to hold onto your authenticity in every aspect of your work. This includes sitting with uncomfortable feelings and not forcing things when they don’t feel right.

There are still so very many regards in which sector practices need to change. What I hope is that in breaking through (in some respects) we can deepen the conversation about what we need and also what we can contribute in terms of understanding creative practice.

I look forward to having time and space to write more.