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15TH April 2014

After the overview blog post I did a few posts back I have had a real think about what I want to achieve with my final images. I have decided that to start with I think I am going to step away from Photoshop completely and focus on the image, person and location. Then look at how the images turn out and decide on the next steps I will take; whether I need to add in something with Photoshop, whether I am achieving the desired goal without using Photoshop at all or whether I should bring more props into the image to achieve my desired picture.

I am aiming to bring back in more aspects of the uncanny into my images for starters in the locations I choose. I want to take the familiar, unfamiliar, homely and unhomely aspects of the uncanny and make this evident in the locations I choose in comparison to the figures I put into them. I want to stick to key themes I touched on in my dissertation as well as key themes I looked at researching into the uncanny for my dissertation.

These included;

Familiar / unfamiliarHomely / UnhomelyDoppelganger / DoubleAnimate / inanimateLoss of controlRepetition

There are other themes the uncanny touches on including

Fear of DeathCastrationFear of harming others

However I don’t feel my work relates to these themes as much.

I want to use opposing locations to people to link to the unfamiliar and unhomley aspects. I want to use masks and dolls or doll looking / dressed people (using masks and facepaint) as animate and inanimate. I want all the models to be dressed the same as repetition and also as double / doppelganger.