Really enjoyed the Maggi Hambling talk at UCS today – glad I decided to go. The video of her installation War Requiem was very dark and emotional. I liked a lots of things that she said:

– “Great art takes you to an unknown territory” – (she referred to Rothko amongst others).

– “the importance of drawing”

– “make your work your best friend”

– the fact that she isn’t into isms

– also that she destroys a lot of her work

– the fact that it takes time to get better at art

– she stands up for painting today


I’ve made changes to the large Orford Ness painting that has to do with the sense of wasteland including leftover structures from the past. I removed the pyramid shape in the middle which was superflous (what was I thinking about?) and also tidied the lower band which I think of as a concrete type structure.

I was surprised/delighted to hear that this is one of 15 UCS students’ work chosen for an exhibition in London – in the crypt at Marylebone Church I believe. Another trip to London for me!