So many things at once and all a priority. Taming the garden to display some pieces ready for North Yorkshire open Studios, making the work and at the same time spending lots of time working through the snags on my website that should be up soon. Sleepless nights with additional concerns about community arts projects, our bees keep trying to swarm (and today receiving a letter from the Yorkshire Bee Keepers saying that for a second year running a local apiary has American Foul Brood, a shocking disease requiring all that apiary’s hives to be burned in a pit!). We started cementing the waterfall to find we had been sold rock-salted sand from the winter and the work we’ve done has to come out as it won’t set! Oh and my daughter’s graduation next month right after NYOS with her imminent move to London (proud mum tho:))

All the curves and straight lines coming together and me jumping around to try to juggle them in the right direction.

I’m not feeling negative just a bit anxious not to drop one of these balls! Ultimately I need to have a good display of my work for the show and that’s about focus, BUT it’s all coming at once with plinths to build!

Hope I get lots of visitors and sales!