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North Yorkshire Open Studios is here for the second time and very suddenly it seems! The garden is about 3 weeks further on than last year so really flushed with an amazing quantity of flowgloves and the rich mix of colours makes me feel a bit like a painter!

A new piece of work is installed, I’ve called Time Limited – it refers to that point in time where we suddenly become aware of caring. So it’s dedicated to all those that care!

The origins of the name are from the multi layered word ‘race’; origins, species, waterway, contest and descent.

Smaller pieces a development of the South Street Gallery; Glyphs have evolved from a visit to the British Museum and the Around the World in 100 Objects exhibition. I found the fragments of incredibly ancient parchment astonishing and intriguing – these precious and fragments that could disintegrate at any moment, held secrets of the origins of ourselves. Even though I could not read them the marks and impressions captured my imagination. Once again I am reminded that everything is ‘time limited’. I have now a series of these and the marks and impressions are now creeping onto ‘stone like forms…