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Down comes Anywhere is Everywhere is a Circular Tale, a solo exhibition in Texas and up goes My Home is My Castle in the Harrington Mill Artists group in the Carnival of Monsters in Nottingham. Next is the Open Studios at Harrington Mill ( on 25th and 26th October. This includes the exhibition Grey and a collaborative performance Some Other Place with myself and Louise Garland. This is going to be fun and have really enjoyed working on this-
Some Other Place is a performance that looks at the female position where vital roles are often carried out away from the public eye including the role of peacemaker. The work explores the way that women often have a very physical knowledge of domestic space, the hidden landscape of the home environment. The continuous monotony of the tasks are often relieved by an element of escape and it is here that the crevices of the mind become a fantasy space.
Hopefully, it will lead to more collaborations and we can expand and develop our ideas.