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Studio shot after the big tidy.

This is a short blog post to share a video link which I’m excited about. It features the new panels I’d squirrelled away for the Artist’s Eye project. I’ve also worked out how to make myself appear out of nowhere(!) My editing techniques are building through experimentation. This is how I work best.

Uncertain Weather System In Place has been wrapped and stored ready for exhibition in May, and my studio is now ready for a new cycle of paintings. The creative processes in this instance have somehow – a la Mary Poppins – magicked the studio into a neutral and roomy workspace. There’s even enough space on one wall for the six new panels I’d like to start working on. In fact they’re up and ready. I just hadn’t realised how much space my sand tray/ video set had been occupying for so long (possibly more than 12 months).

But I have to wait for the ACE decision before I can begin on the Felicia Browne work. My thoughts about this process in relation to autistic artists can be found on The Other Side.

I know that I face a high risk that ACE will say no. So I’m prepared for that and will have to take it from there. With just under two weeks to go the countdown begins.