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Having spent one mind numbing morning resizing photos and sorting out invoices etc. I often wonder if other artists have the same little system going as I have. Make work, create humungous mess in the process, (materials everywhere, tools left where they fall), finish work, clear up huge mess, photograph, banish messy clothes for a while, then spend ages updating sites etc until the whole process starts again. It always surprises me that some sort of loose, self imposed order has emerged naturally to what I do.

Anyway, here’s a quick image of the beef gelatine butterflies I struggled with over the last two months in the piece ‘Clever Cow!’. Someone once asked if you discuss some innovative material on this blog are you liable to have it replicated in someone elses work. Well, trust me, if anyone can replicate these little blighters they deserve a reward. Off to Geneva soon to meet the curator about spaces etc for a potential show. My intricate plan to fly my sister over from Ireland to look after the children is looking rocky though as she is in hospital with neck problems! I’m quickly trying to come up with a plan B. With four children and one with coeliac disease, the list of alternative offers is a short one!

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