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Thank goodness for New Years and a chance to kick yourself up the ass and get going again. Christmas was a touch of meltdown for me as all that rediculously busy period leading up to Christmas just piled on the stress and tipped me over the edge. Although I coped at the time, afterwards, once the pace slowed down, I literally felt I began to unravel.

After some really difficult days where I questioned everything I was doing with my life things began to fall into place once more. Regretfully, I have pulled out of a job in February and have withdrawn my services temporarily from the local council driven community art programme for the following term. I have never been anything less than one hundred percent committed in my work and I was saddened and frustrated to withdraw at this stage, not to mention the financial hit. I just know I must get some balance back in my life for the sake of my health and the family as a whole.

Now that it’s sorted though I feel back on track again. In between trips to the ‘cow field’ for sledging (schools are shut again) I have managed to clear out the whole studio and put up some shelves, ready to get back to work. It’s time to get applying and I wonder can anyone give me any advice. It’s years since I applied for anything that won’t take CDs/email and insists on photographs of work which is fine but has anyone got any good ideas on how to present photos in an appliction for exhibiting in a way that looks professional? I’d really appreciate some guidance.