I work with x2 year five class in this school. It is a very different experience compared with my Stoke on Trent school. The attitude of the staff is more possitve. The kids mob me, I hav'nt had to carry anything, they see me coming and just help bring all my tools,tiles, papers and crates.
This afternoon we tried to finish our mosaics, but they were running out of steam. They had carried on with their images while I was not there (keen). But now they had really finished their designs and needed to fill in the backgrounds….this was a tedious task for them as the fun was seeping away. But they have worked hard.
But the point of the post is to say its great to work with a school with enthusiastic staff. I feel that I cant let these kids down now, or sell them short. I spoke with the head teacher about writing a press release by the pupils, as they are looking forward to this new public play ground so much its theirs now.