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-Art, me and my blog-

Away from your physical studio space, sometimes it is necessary to have thinking time, time that you can sit back and reflect on what has just occurred or the next idea that is flickering somewhere in the distance.

I feel that sometimes, this reflection needs some form of solidity and this is possible through writing. With a pen in hand and your thoughts alight a whole stream of ideas can come to life that you hadn’t even realised existed in the first place. So, what’s the next step, the future of this form of art writing thinking process? Is it best to simply have an extended dialogue with oneself, or could it be more beneficial to form dialogue with the rest of the world?

Blogging is a new wave of thought making, a simple dialogue between you and your art, but also you and other artists. It creates another dimension for people to view your work and understand your work.

So, being able to blog your ideas, your words, your thoughts, your views, becomes not just about figuring out what you want to do, but it also becomes about creating this merge between the physical and the metaphysical, the artist and the spectator, the real and the unreal. Blogging is a new art form in itself.

A blog, doesn’t have to be the crème de la crème of art writing; it is simply your words and what you wish to express.

I have felt slightly lost without my writing, feeling a sense of unease and apprehension when trying to get back into one of my favourite art practices. Blogging, for me, was a way into how I was feeling, a realization of what I am trying to say and do. Yet, even blogging has become somewhat a chore, a bane in my existence, something that I feel awkward and guilty about. It’s been so long since my last post – what on earth am I going to write about?!

But that is the beauty of the blog – you can write just about anything and who cares what anyone else thinks or says, it’s my blog. Yet, it’s interesting isn’t it to see what someone else says…