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With the advice of mentors still clear in my head, I’ve been trying to put their guidance into practice, aiming to keep freshness and spontaneity in not only experimental studies but also in finished paintings. Trying not to be intimidated by the need for final paintings but to trust in my process and allow the paint freedom, aiming to guide not dictate. I have a solo show at Lacey Contemporary Gallery, London in mid October, which I’m very grateful for and has been a great motivator providing an opportunity to show work influenced by advice funded by the a-n bursary.

The thick bubbles and pockets of paint and deep wrinkles contrasting with a flat sheen led to the title of the show, Surface Tension – which also acknowledges the underlying unease in the work. Through playing with paint, building up materiality and harnessing it, I am seeking to tell truths in an imaginary world.