I seem to be lost in research, reading and visiting exhibitions. And I’ve finally made a tentative start with drawing towards the next series of experiments. I’m using scanned images of the interior of the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich to help me explore interior spaces and how my works (just ideas hand drawn at this stage) may look when installed. I intend to explore this work further on chalk ground panels, digitally and as dry point prints…
Since the Saatchi show New Sculpture I’ve visited the RCA Show, were I was taken by the sculpture of Carwyn Evans, Dexter Dymoke, Simon Schafer and Samuel Williams-really liked his yellow wash bowl trundling through woodland- their use of materials and subject matter is intriguing. Also the photography of Annett Reimer and Justyna Kabala (printmaker). I finally managed to get to ‘Falling Up the Gravity of Art’ and was drawn to Cornelia Parker’s ‘Neither From Nor Towards’ an installation of sea worn bricks from collapsed houses on the South Coast and a great photograph ‘Conjurations’ a women suspended in space by Clare Strand
Each time I see an exhibition or visit a website I find more artists to investigate. Just now when I logged on to post a blog I looked at Linda Duffy’s blog which led me to a recent show ‘Women Make Sculpture’ at the Pangolin London, amazed that I could have missed it?! I’ve downloaded the catalogue and I’ll try and get to the current show Terence Coventry ‘New Work’
And I thought I’d also take a look at ‘Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience’, Yi-fu Tuan and at ‘As Eve Said to the Serpent’, Rebecca Solnit, writers I came across in Maya Lin’s ‘Systematic Landscapes’
I’m also contemplating going to the ‘Technologies of Drawing’ conference part of the Sculpture Network at Huddersfield University in late August. So lots to read, think about and see