Today I have been clearing up all the bits and pieces left over and abandoned in my studio from before Edinburgh. A scene of horror and devastation unlike any other.

As my work depends on lots of scrappy bits of mottled old clothing and strange odds and ends, nothing, however small, can ever be thrown away.

In my nightmares I imagine the pressure as tons of old socks, full of holes, force down upon me, miles of ancient knicker elastic in pastel colours pulls on my arms dragging me back as I frantically try to escape the towering clothing of my past.

All used fabric is now neatly colour coded and boxed. What a relief.

My studio partner is much relieved that he can now get to his own work without being impaled by old shirt bunting on the way.



Write down ideas as you have them.

Too many of my best ideas arrive fully formed at very inconvenient moments when no sketchbook, paper or back of fag packet is available. Also at annoying times – in the middle of the night when it is just too much trouble to put the light on and I always convince myself I will easily remember such a brilliant idea. Days later I remember that I had an idea but no idea what the idea was.

So this blog today is me trying to remember that I intended to write here every day no matter what.

Now for the amusing picture.


The story so far:

Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2011.

An unusual event. Busking on the Royal Mile with some interactive flowers. ‘BLUES’. The hostess wears a bag over her head.

Bags are handed out. Audience members try them on for size.

The flowers make interesting if painful noises. Audience members operate them to produce varying degrees of aural discomfort.

Some coins fall into the basket.

I decide not to give up my day job.